Honolulu Breastfeeding promote, protect, and support breastfeeding to be the “Norm” for moms to breaking down the barriers and stigmas attached to breastfeeding for now and future generations by: (1) supporting the relationship between mom and baby (2)...
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies is a local nonprofit agency that is a part of a national network of organizations and individuals committed to improving Hawaii’s maternal, child and family health. Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies provides information about the...
Hawaii Pacific Health is the leader in health care for the people of Central and West Oahu. Partnering with Pali Momi Medical Center, they offer a one-day (3 hour) class that is designed to prepare expectant parents for breastfeeding.
Hawaii Mothers’ Milk is a comprehensive breastfeeding resource center that provides professional education and lactation counseling so mothers may provide their own breast milk for the baby, even when faced with any type of challenge. Breastfeeding...
The mission of Hapai Hawaii is to provide resources, hold community events and support other Mother- Friendly organizations, businesses and individuals to improve families ability to make inform choices about their pregnancy, birth and parenting.