Kokua Kalihi Valley

Kokua Kalihi Valley (KKV) is a Federally Qualified Health Center that provides the people of Kalihi Valley with a broad array of comprehensive and holistic health care.

Kapiolani Health Connection

Kapiolani Health Connection operates an information and referral phone line which offers physician referrals and provides scheduling and information for Kapiolani and Pali Momi Medical Centers and the Kapiolani Women’s Center programs and services.

Kalihi-Palama Health Center

Kalihi-Palama Health Center (KPHC) is an independent, 501 (c) (3) non-profit, organization that plays a crucial role in the Kalihi-Palama community as a provider of health and social services to patients who typically face significant barriers when accessing health...

Kaiser Permanente Family Birth Center

The Kaiser Permanente Family Birth Center is a family of professionals dedicated to caring for you and your baby.    Lactation Department: (808) 432-8518

Kaiser Permanente Newborn Care

Kaiser Permanente Newborn Care helps families prepare for postpartum care, newborn care, infant safety (including basic infant CPR), and breastfeeding.